Suse Installation
NeDi on SLES11
SLES 11 base installation
by raider82
- Boot from CD
- Select language, keyboard and accept license
- Skip checking the installation media
- Choose “New Installation”
- Select Time Zone
- Choose scenario “Physical Machine” (also for virtual installation)
- Change Software (remove graphical components: X-Window-System, Gnome;
- Remove Print-Server, Web-based Enterprise manager; make sure you do not have a DHCP server installed!!, add Web and LAMP-Server)
- Install System
- After reboot, enter root password
- Enter hostname and domain information
- Disable IPv6, enable HTTP, HTTPS and SSH access on the Firewall
- Do not create CA and Certificate
- Choose local passwords
- Enter a user and password (e.g. nediusr)
- Accept release notes
- Do not configure printers
- Finish installation
Preparations for NeDi
- Install packages: perl-net-snmp, perl-net-telnet, php5-snmp, php5-gd, php5-mysql, perl-dbd-mysql, gd, rrdtool, perl-crypt-openssl-rsa, php5-dba, perl-IO-TTY (and the dependencies yast suggests)
- Enable MySQL and Apache2 Services in yast: System -> System Services -> Runlevel
- Set MySQL Password: mysqladmin -u root password
- Create MySQL user for nedi: mysql -u root -p CREATE USER ‘nedi’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ”;
- Create database for NeDi: create database nedi;
- Grant access rights for new user to nedi database: grant all on nedi.* to ‘nedi’@’localhost’;
- flush privileges;
- Restart mysql (/etc/init.d/mysql restart)
- Enable short_open_tag via php.ini (/etc/php5/apache); short-open-tag = On; restart apache (/etc/init.d/apache2 restart)
Prepare CPAN
- General note: always use suggested default values; always follow packages, etc.
- perl -MCPAN -e ‘shell’
- install CPAN
- reload CPAN
- install YAML
- install Algorithm::Diff
- install Net::Telnet::Cisco (skip tests)
- quit
Install NeDi
- Add NeDi user to “www” group in /etc/groups
- Download NeDi
- Unpack: tar -xvzf nedi-xxx.tgz
- Move to /var directory: mv nedi /var/nedi
- cd /var
- chown -R nediusr:www ./nedi
- cd /var/nedi
- Clear Web directory: rm /srv/www/htdocs/*
- Copy html files to web directory: cp -r html/* /srv/www/htdocs
- chown -R nediusr:www /srv/www/htdocs
- Edit nedi.conf (database user, SNMP community, filter HP-UX|Linux, etc.)
- Fill nedi database: ./ -i (use root and password)
- Link nedi.conf to /etc: ln -s /var/nedi/nedi.conf /etc
Enable HTTPS
- a2enmod ssl
- a2enflag SSL
- /usr/bin/gensslcert
- Enable Virtual Server for HTTPS
- cd /etc/apache2/vhosts.d
- cp vhost-ssl.template vhost-ssl.conf
- vi vhost-ssl.conf; add:
<Directory "/srv/www/htdocs"> Options None AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all
- Make a redirect from insecure protocol to HTTPS
- Make a new directory for insecure connection: mkdir /srv/www/htdocs80
- cd /srv/www/htdocs80
- vi index.html:
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ window.location.replace ('https://xyz'); // ]]></script>
vi /etc/apache2/default_server.conf:
- Replace htdocs directory with htdocs80 directory everywhere
- chown -R nediusr:www /srv/www/htdocs80
- /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- Create different config files
- Create seedlists
- Enter cron jobs
As in most other distro’s, SuSe installs MySQL without a root password so if you have just installed it, create it by:
mysqladmin -u root password <mypassword>
And also check that the service starts at boot…
snmpwalk is great but download cisco mibs to, for example, /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/cisco so that one can get nice output when going thru cisco specific things
snmpwalk -M /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/cisco -m CISCO-CDP-MIB -v 1 -c public device cdpCacheTable
snmptable -M /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/cisco -m CISCO-CDP-MIB -v 1 -c public device cdpCacheTable
One can also download other mibs from other suppliers and place in their own directory
Default syslogd is syslog-ng which does not listen for syslog via network. This means that can listen to syslog without changing the “standard” syslog config.
Also, spoof_source, doesn’t seem to have been enabled at compilation. This means one can’t have a syslog-ng resend to unless one recompiles from source.